Loyalty: One Of Our Core Values, Demonstrated By Our Over 50% Referral & Return Customer Rates
At UWD Manchester, we’re faithful to our customers — it’s definitely one of our genuine calling cards. We truly offer long-lasting, high-quality, dependable Exterior Remodeling Solutions designed for New Hampshire and Northern Massachusetts homes.
Simply put: we come through…Guaranteed.
Because of who we are as people and as professionals, and thanks to our no-stone-left-unturned process, NONE of our customers get left behind. In return, we earn their loyalty.
As evidenced by our over 50% referral and return customer rate.
This means roughly 1 of every 2 customers we deal with on a day-to-day basis are either sent our way by a family member, friend, or neighbor, or they’ve worked with us before on other projects. Honestly, the day before this post was written we received not one, not two, or three, but six direct referrals like these.
Each is important to us!
For example, one of those was referred to us by a customer we’ve helped on three separate homes.
He and his wife like to move around New Hampshire every few years, so they love the fact that our window warranty is fully transferable. They also love that our Energy Efficient Exterior Doors are of the highest quality and come with a great variety of customization options.
Do We Have A Referral Program?
Absolutely. We feel this is a much better grass-roots-style way to market our services than the more conventional approaches. We don’t want to send advertisements. Instead, we’d rather have someone you know and trust give you the rundown about our results and process after we update their home.
If you need Replacement Windows, isn’t it better to have some feedback to work with rather than to just go out hunting around the internet?
Here’s what it looks like (subject to change over time). This should give you an idea of why the program is so popular.
Earn $100.00 for a completed UWD project, purchase of $1500-$10,000
Earn $250.00 for a completed UWD project, purchase of $10,001-$20,000
Earn $500.00 for a completed UWD project, purchase of $20,001- $30,000
Earn $1,000.00 for a completed UWD project, purchase of $30,001 or more
We just wrote out three checks for one sweet woman this past week.
We haven’t put a cap on the payments, so you can really rack up a nice little paycheck by simply telling people what they can expect when they work with us.
Show off your new Asphalt Roofing System or vinyl/composite siding system!
All that being said, what are the main drivers of these referrals?
What do we hear from prospective customers when they initially reach out to us?
Whether they’re house-flippers, a local family, or someone with multiple projects on their hands, we tend to hear folks mention a mixture of these core aspects of UWD Manchester:
Our Local Reputation
Our Convenient & Considerate Followups
Our Fair Transparent Pricing
Our Local Customer Service Approach
Bottom Line: Our Exterior Remodeling Company Thrives On Loyalty & Trust
If you have any questions or concerns that need to be addressed, or you’re ready to speak directly with the local professionals, Contact UWD Manchester. We’re happy to take the time to get you all the information you need to make the right decision for you, your home, and your budget. Thanks for your time today!